About Turners Falls Water Department

The Turners Falls Water Department's main source of water consists of two artesian wells located at the Tolan Farm well field. These gravel-packed Wells pump 1.2 to 2 million gallons of water per day to the filter plant. The treated, filtered water is then discharged into the gravity fed distribution system.

There are over 57 miles of underground mains and pipe within the Turners Falls Water Department. The storage facilities located on Wills Hill in Turners Falls have a total storage capacity of 6.3 million gallons. Lake Pleasant and Green Pond are emergency backup surface water supplies.

Turners Falls Water Department
226 Millers Falls Road
Turners Falls, MA 01376-1605

Phone 413-863-4542
Fax: 413-863-3175

Email clerk@TurnersFallsWater.com

EPA Safe Drinking Water Hotline 800-426-4791

Superintendent: Jeffrey Hildreth

Board of Water Commissioners

  • Bruce Merriam, Chairman
  • Kenneth Morin
  • Edward Pelis

Clerk/Collector - Suzanne Leh

Pump Station Operators

  • Stephen Fitzpatrick
  • Jason Watroba
  • Riley Watroba